The Loving Cross

Thursday, September 18, 2008

...and then there was light.

I woke up this morning and took a moment to speak to God, I asked him if this blog is something he wants me to do, if it is, I asked, please give me a subject to write about today. After that I lay there in my bed, listening to my own thoughts, there it was. To Err Human, To Forgive Divine. It just popped in there. Divine is an interesting word, it has many meanings but all of them pertaining to God or Religion. Dictionary. com says this:

of or pertaining to a god, esp. the Supreme Being.
addressed, appropriated, or devoted to God or a god; religious; sacred: divine worship.
proceeding from God or a god: divine laws.
godlike; characteristic of or befitting a deity: divine magnanimity.
heavenly; celestial: the divine kingdom.
Informal. extremely good; unusually lovely: He has the most divine tenor voice.
being a god; being God: a divine person.
of superhuman or surpassing excellence: Beauty is divine.
Obsolete. of or pertaining to divinity or theology.

And thats just the nouns! There were so many verbs, adject verbs, and adjectives that I decided to just go with the nouns, they best represent the point I am trying to make. My personal favorite is No. 7 being a god; being God: a divine person. What that says to me is that God is full of forgiveness if to forgive is divine. Then we must try to be godlike, our souls are a little piece of God. Just like a child is a sum of his or her parents. It's almost like a yin yang symbol, we are half human and half divine. What half do you allow control, the physical, or the spiritual? If you can forgive anything then your spiritual side is in control, if you are concerned with physical things then your human side is in control. I am trying very hard to pull away from that human side and give control to my spiritual/divine side. I am a pilgrim on a journey of spiritual awakening and this blog is a way of expressing that which I have learned and hopefully will open my mind to more of Gods lessons.

I told my family that I was writing this blog, my daughter said I should go to her church. This is where my beliefs contradict most Christians beliefs. I told her I didnt believe in organized religion. I dont trust churches. Churches seem to subvert the divine and make their own rules to control the "flock". That is why preachers or ministers are called "Pastors". He is herding his flock to all believe the way he does. What if he is corrupt? The flock, no matter how good its members are, will be led astray. I believe that you dont need a church to be a Christian and you can worship God anywhere, He is everywhere. I choose to worship him at home, where I am most at peace, and God has no trouble finding me there. I can talk to him anytime, anywhere, and I can take time and listen to his responses anytime, anywhere. I heard an interesting quote the other day that seems appropriate to put here. Prayer is talking to God, meditation is listening to God. So if you are just starting out on this path to find God, dont go to a church, look within. Sit in a room all alone for hours, do not speak, relax and let your mind go. You will find him there in your heart and he will speak to you in ways that at first may seem like your own thoughts but then you begin to realize that your not thinking it, your hearing it. May God find you and may you recognize him. Peace.

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