The Loving Cross

Monday, December 8, 2008

Merry Christmas

Christmas is a mixed blessing. It's a time of year when we all try very hard to do nice things for each other, giving gifts etc. However it seems that we get dragged down by all the commercialism and the phony red and green pseudohappiness. Celebrating the birth of a saviour is a wonderful thing, but going into debt to give everyone exactly what they want is a bad thing. You cant always get what you want, give them inexpensive but meaningful things. I worked for a few years in a major toy store. We, the employees, dreaded Christmas because of the crowds and rudeness that came out of even the nicest people. One year our store sold out of video games, and still people came by the hundreds to get that Nintendo. I was forced to turn them all back with a phony smile. I hated Christmas. One gentleman decided to take it out on me personally for his child not getting a Nintendo that year. I faked that smile as long as I could but really I wanted to tell that guy what a butthole he was being. So I guess my message this year is I'm kinda glad the economy is crappy because maybe it will take the greed and unkindness out of Christmas, maybe it will make people realize what Christmas is really all about, maybe it wont be so material and maybe we can have the spiritual celebration of Christs birth that it was meant to be. Merry Christmas to all even the atheists.

A note to you atheists, stop taking Christmas away from the kids who believe just to protect your child. I'll get all Spock on ya, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. There are a lot more Christian and faith based families then there are atheist families.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Well it seems that I should inform people more about Divine Lovism. So, I'll delve into the differences between Divine Lovism and other Christian religions. Most of the time you will hear someone say, "I am a God fearing Christian". Lovites should say, "I am a God loving Christian". Don't fear God, reciprocate the love he has for you. God loves us and we should love him. After all, God gave us our lives. Love for God should always be tempered with gratitude. Be thankful, that God loves you. Here's the part that a lot of people are going to have a hard time swallowing, sin and redemption. God loves you, unconditionally, he will not condemn you to a fiery lake. He wants you to do good, to be of good spirit. But at the same time he knows better than we do, that we are human and even the best intentions go astray. I struggle everyday with trying to be Godlike, but I still catch myself being foul. The glory is in the effort. Try to be good, try to be Godlike, this sounds cliched but ask yourself at every decision WWJD. If you don't know what that means its, What Would Jesus Do? You can supplement what would God do, or what would Buddha do? They are all representations of God. They all give the same message, Love and Forgiveness. So try your best to make good decisions, do things that are good, doing bad things deliberately will fill your spirit full of negative energy. The more negativity the further you are from God. Positive = Good, Negative = Bad. God is everywhere, everything, and even a part of you. The human soul is divine, it is the soul that should make all the decisions. God put a piece of himself in all of us. We are just souls walking around in temporary physicalness. Don't let the physical side override the spiritual side. Try always to keep the spiritual side in charge. Love All, Forgive All. I know that the forgiveness part is hard especially in cases of mass murderers. But we must seek to override our natural hate and disdain and try to see the soul inside the flawed physical mind and body. Prayer is the most important part of Divine Lovism. Pray every day, at least once. Then take some time to meditate on what you prayed about. I pray so much that sometimes I think God will get tired of hearing me. I saw on TV the other day about a high school student who was diagnosed with brain tumors. I immediately prayed for him. Prayer is a powerful tool that is often neglected. I found a picture of a sign in front of a Baptist church that said, A Free Thinker is Satan's slave. It's that kind of thinking that started the Spanish Inquisition. You should be a free thinker, you should not blindly follow any one doctrine. Seek the truth for yourself. Divine Lovism wants you to study all religions. Divine Lovism doesn't hold strictly to one book. All books are good, because knowledge is power. Confession, though misused by some, is good for the soul. But you don't need a priest to absolve you. Confess to God. He is always listening. He understands you better than anyone on earth. The main difference you will find between Divine Lovism and other major religions is that we will never ask you for money. We don't need money, we have God. Use your money for your needs, take care of yourself and your family. However Divine Lovism encourages donating to charities that feed the children or to Ronald McDonald House. Charities that have a proven record of doing good with the money given to them. I cant help but think that a church that asks for tithes is somehow corrupt. Well I hope this helps someone, if your considering Divine Lovism for yourself contact me at Godsdivinelove(at) I will be more than happy to counsel you and pray with you. God bless you all.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Prayer 101

I thought about what I would write next, but could think of nothing. Today I asked God what he wanted me to write about. I quietly meditated for just a moment and there it was. God wants everyone to know how to pray. If your already following a church or used to things being a certain way, then you may not like my way. However no one told me my way was right or wrong this is just how I do it and it is effective. I start by thanking God, for my life, for his love, for my family, for everything, for any particular answered prayers. I then ask the question or questions I am seeking help with. Then I say thank you God for listening. Then, because of my belief in Christ, I say, I pray to you O' Lord in the name of my saviour Christ. Then if you have time, meditate and listen for your answers.

You can pray out loud, silently to yourself, or any way you prefer. I recommend a position that shows respect to God, shows humility.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

In Gods Hands

So far Divine Lovism seems to be just me, thats ok. I have put it all in Gods hands, if God wants many Lovites then God will lead them here. If God wants us to have a physical (bricks and mortar) church, then he will provide. Thank you God for getting me to this point.

Seek Knowledge - Recommended reading

This is an interesting ebook I've read. Mind Reality - The Universe is Mental by Enoch Tan.

I believe you can find it on

This is recommended reading for Lovites.

Here is the basic message

The World Within and the World Without

There are only two worlds. The world within and the world without.

The world within creates the world without.

The world within is mental/spiritual, the world without is material/physical.

Complete understanding of the two worlds is perfect knowledge.

The key is to understand the world within and use it to rule the world without.

The world within is the cause, the world without is the effect.

The inner governs the outer always. The outer is a reflection of the inner.

The world within and the world without are not two separate worlds. They are two different levels of the same world.

The world is mental. All is mind, the universe is mental. As above so below, as within so without. This is secret knowledge.

The two most important kinds of knowledge are secret knowledge and governing knowledge. One gives you awareness, the other gives you power. Secret Knowledge is knowing how things work and understanding what’s going on. The reason why it is secret is because it is not normally known. It is so powerful that only those with insight and perception can appreciate its value. Only conscious people can see reality for what it really is.

When you have this knowledge, you can use it first to govern yourself, then use it to govern everything else. This is called using secret knowledge as governing knowledge.

Governing knowledge is knowledge that runs your psyche. It is the governing statements of your mind that determine what you do, how you do it and why you do it. It is the operating dynamics that controls your thoughts, your emotions and your behaviors. What governs your mind, governs your reality. By governing yourself, you can govern the world.
When you can control yourself, you can control others.

You can only control what is without by controlling what is within. All control is self control.
To be in control, you must know. All knowledge is self knowledge. You can overcome something by overcoming it within. When you overcome it within yourself, you overcome
it in the world.

Now that you've read that, hopefully, understand that just because I say you should read it doesnt make it law or any such nonsense. I recommend it because you might gleen some bit of knowledge that can help you in your life. I did. It helped me define the real difference between spiritual and physical. It also helped me to deal with my arachnaphobia. I hope it helps you. God Bless.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Divine Directives

1. (The Prime Directive) Love All.

2. Forgive All.

3. Do that which is Good/Positive, avoid doing that which is Bad/Negative.

4. Do not give money to Divine Lovism, pay your bills, feed your family. If giving makes you feel good, give to the charities that feed the starving children of the world.

5. Always seek knowledge, never stop learning. Study all the religions of the world.

6. Live for God.

7. Love yourself, forgive yourself.

Divine Lovism

Thats the name, thanks for the push Erin. The Church of Gods Divine Love. Followers of this new religion will henceforth be known as Lovites. Be warned there is another form of Lovism, it appears that they believe you can have sex with anyone married or not. I want to distinguish Divine Lovism from that other lovism. Sex is physical, Love is spiritual. Divine Lovism is purely spiritual. Know the difference.

Our symbol shall henceforth be known as the Loving Cross.

Comments and questions are welcome.
If you want counseling or to converse with me outside of blogger, I have made an email address for the church: Change the # to @.

More to come...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A change of heart...

God spoke to me again through bizarre means. I was watching a television show that pokes fun at good christians, I dont remember exactly what was said but the message was that we have to keep the cross sacred. I wasnt really happy with the previous post and image so I deleted it. I believe God wants me to keep the cross sacred, not as a reminder of Christs suffering and torture but as a reminder of why God gave his son. He loves us. A name for the church still eludes me. Thank you God.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Message Received.

I had a scare this morning, as I was waking up it felt like someone put a phone to my ear and a woman said "Go to a doctor now". The voice was clear as a bell, and loud. It really scared me, I made an appointment. I think it was an angel. I haven't been to a doctor in years, I am untrusting of the medical profession. It made me realize that I am afraid of death, I want to live, now more than ever. Thanks for the warning God, I will take better care of my health now.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Knock and the door shall be opened...

Right after yesterdays post I went to a website I had never been to before and there was Gods answer. In big letters it said, "God believes in you. Believe in yourself." With Gods help I will create a new religion. I am having trouble coming up with a name, any suggestions are welcome. God is with me, I cannot fail.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

He leadeth me...

This sounds crazy, especially for me, but I think God wants me to start a new religion. Is it possible that he would use someone as doubtful as me to bring forth a new time of worship. I think of Mother Teresa, how everyone saw her as holy, yet after her death we saw that she was doubtful of her own faith. I am reminded of all the wonderful things she did selflessly, even though she doubted she still worked for God. Is that the message, that even though I am doubting myself, God can still do great works through me? I know that I will come under criticism from family and friends because they do not understand my relationship with Christ. I can accept that, but what if this isn't God talking to me, what if I'm just imagining this? It started out as a discussion between myself and a friend, about the state of our nation, and how might things change for the better, but it occurs to me that if some great revolution were to occur, it would be handled by greater men than me. My best hope would be to change the world spiritually, to open hearts and minds to accept Gods love. Maybe I'm crazy? If anyone has any pearls of wisdom that could help please comment. I guess I'll keep contemplating until God moves me one way or another. God Bless.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My Fathers house has many mansions...

Do Christians believe in reincarnation? I do. I think that we all should. There are many verifiable stories of people who not only recovered memories of past lives, but were able to prove that those past lives were fact. I believe all things are possible under Heaven. Have you ever had a moment where you saw some far away place on tv, and felt a deep memory of what it was like to be there? I have. Dont think me crazy, but I feel Egypt every time I see one of those History Channel shows about ancient Egypt. The feeling is so strong sometimes I can almost smell it. In the Hindu religion it is believed that you reincarnate many times each time is another step toward a perfect soul. Now dont say that Hindus are heathens or any such insult. Comparatively, Jesus teachings are very similar. I believe that the missing time in Christs life he was studying philosophy and religion in the east. I feel I have been reincarnated many times. I also feel that the story of Christs birth, death, and resurrection is the perfect example of reincarnation. Talk of a second coming also rings of reincarnation. Do you think its possible that animals can reincarnate. I do. My cat, Ginger, responds to another name, she mirrors the behavior of another cat I had. The other cat was Liberty, she had a mean temperament, and so does Ginger, and Ginger will answer to Liberty. You can see Liberty in Gingers eyes. I will go more into animal spirits later. Sometimes we all should take a moment to think about the past and where we were when those important moments in history were taking place, especially the times when we weren't born yet. Look inside yourself and ask God to reveal the truth to you, and you will see. Blessed be the seeker. The light of God will show you the way.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

To everything, there is a season...

I'd like to tell the story of how God moved me to be in the right place at the right time, and how he heard my pleas and answered in a strange way. I was about 18 years old, it was one of those days, I was depressed and feeling like I would never have someone to love. My last girlfriend had been when I was 15. I was flipping through the channels on the tv. I stopped on a channel that was broadcasting one of those Televangelists. He was speaking loudly and rapidly, he would say things like, "You there alone in your house, God will answer that prayer, and you driving in your car, God knows how hard this has been for you and He will send you help". Then he said something that had to be for me. He said, "You there wallowing in loneliness, God is sending you a love, she will be recently divorced with two young children. They are gonna need you". I got on my knees and cried, I was full of joy. I knew that message was for me. I dont remember that preachers name, but he spoke to me that day. I was uplifted and had a reason to live again. Years passed and that love never showed up and I began to doubt. I doubted myself, I doubted God. I thought that I was at such a low point that I must've been grasping for anything that would pull me out of it. Then a few years later, I was 26, my brother and his wife came to visit us. They lived in Tennessee. They spoke well of Tennessee and then they invited my mother and myself to move down there. I felt the hand of God pushing me. I knew that this move was the right thing for me. My mother once asked me if I was sure that I wanted to move, I told her I had to. I felt my destiny waiting for me there. By November of that year I am living in Tennessee and it is beautiful. I met, immediately, a woman with two young kids, whose husband had just left her. I knew she was for me. It took me awhile to get around to asking her out. Thankfully I had a push from my niece, she knew how I felt about this lady, she could sense it. She pushed me in the right direction and I thank God and my niece for bringing us together. We finally got married in 2001. We had lived "in sin" from 1994. My wife was cautious, she was afraid I would leave her like her first husband did. It took me some time to fully win her trust. During that time I got to know her kids and I love them so much. They are my kids, I may not have made them, but God made sure they were there because he knew I wanted a family of my own more than anything. I am unable to have kids so they are truly a blessing. It is 2008 and my wife and I are closer than ever, our youngest just turned 18. Thank You God. You saw my need and you fulfilled it. Your love saved me. Thank you.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

He who has eyes to see, let him see...

I want to talk about the supposedly good Christians. My wife, who was my girlfriend at the time, was waiting, for some reason, in the car and a guy approached her and started making conversation. That seems strange unless you know this little town we live in, people are overly friendly. Anyways, during this conversation my wife mentioned that she was about to get married for a second time. He was shocked, he asked her what church she went to. She replied that she didnt go to church, which further shocked him. He said that she would burn in hell for being divorced from her first husband unless she got permission from a minister to marry again. Even though her first husband cheated on her and left her with two young kids and a stack of bills. He then walked away. She told this story to me, and I replied that he must be old school Christian, fire and brimstone. I told her that God himself would not say that to her, He would understand. Fast forward a few years later, and we go visit my wifes Grandmother. She was in her eighties at the time. She told us how a friend of hers told her she was going to hell because she couldnt attend church. She was physically unable, though she had been a good Christian all her life. Would Jesus say that, or would he bring the church to her? This is why I dont trust churches, those guys were raised believing that stuff, their respective churches cultivated them to believe the way they wanted them to. George Carlin, who was not a religious man, once said that religion is mind control. I find that to be true. My daughter attends a Methodist church, and sometimes she comes home with some weird ideas about whats right and whats wrong. My wife and I then take time to explain to her what we believe, and why we disagree with what she learned at church. A few years back, I dont recall the exact circumstances, my beautiful and intelligent daughter said she thought that if a girl got raped she deserved it. Imagine the shocked expressions on our faces. We had a very long conversation and straightened her out. But just to think that she learned that somewhere, frightens me. Where in this world are people teaching that kind of thinking. I think this religious mind control goes all the way back to the Romans. They edited the Bible to suit their needs, so they could use everyones fervent belief to control them. It has been the same all through the centuries. I decided long ago that I would worship God in my own way. How many people were burned at the stake in the name of God. That proves to me that organized religion is dangerous. Believe in God, do not believe in church. If you attend a church for whatever reason you must constantly ask yourself if what they are saying is in accordance with Gods infinite love.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

...and then there was light.

I woke up this morning and took a moment to speak to God, I asked him if this blog is something he wants me to do, if it is, I asked, please give me a subject to write about today. After that I lay there in my bed, listening to my own thoughts, there it was. To Err Human, To Forgive Divine. It just popped in there. Divine is an interesting word, it has many meanings but all of them pertaining to God or Religion. Dictionary. com says this:

of or pertaining to a god, esp. the Supreme Being.
addressed, appropriated, or devoted to God or a god; religious; sacred: divine worship.
proceeding from God or a god: divine laws.
godlike; characteristic of or befitting a deity: divine magnanimity.
heavenly; celestial: the divine kingdom.
Informal. extremely good; unusually lovely: He has the most divine tenor voice.
being a god; being God: a divine person.
of superhuman or surpassing excellence: Beauty is divine.
Obsolete. of or pertaining to divinity or theology.

And thats just the nouns! There were so many verbs, adject verbs, and adjectives that I decided to just go with the nouns, they best represent the point I am trying to make. My personal favorite is No. 7 being a god; being God: a divine person. What that says to me is that God is full of forgiveness if to forgive is divine. Then we must try to be godlike, our souls are a little piece of God. Just like a child is a sum of his or her parents. It's almost like a yin yang symbol, we are half human and half divine. What half do you allow control, the physical, or the spiritual? If you can forgive anything then your spiritual side is in control, if you are concerned with physical things then your human side is in control. I am trying very hard to pull away from that human side and give control to my spiritual/divine side. I am a pilgrim on a journey of spiritual awakening and this blog is a way of expressing that which I have learned and hopefully will open my mind to more of Gods lessons.

I told my family that I was writing this blog, my daughter said I should go to her church. This is where my beliefs contradict most Christians beliefs. I told her I didnt believe in organized religion. I dont trust churches. Churches seem to subvert the divine and make their own rules to control the "flock". That is why preachers or ministers are called "Pastors". He is herding his flock to all believe the way he does. What if he is corrupt? The flock, no matter how good its members are, will be led astray. I believe that you dont need a church to be a Christian and you can worship God anywhere, He is everywhere. I choose to worship him at home, where I am most at peace, and God has no trouble finding me there. I can talk to him anytime, anywhere, and I can take time and listen to his responses anytime, anywhere. I heard an interesting quote the other day that seems appropriate to put here. Prayer is talking to God, meditation is listening to God. So if you are just starting out on this path to find God, dont go to a church, look within. Sit in a room all alone for hours, do not speak, relax and let your mind go. You will find him there in your heart and he will speak to you in ways that at first may seem like your own thoughts but then you begin to realize that your not thinking it, your hearing it. May God find you and may you recognize him. Peace.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

In The Beginning...

I have started this blog today to express my beliefs and to explore faith. I want to delve into my own struggle with finding faith. I've been considering doing this for awhile now. I received some final motivation to get started today, it occured to me that, Faith=Confidence. It is almost as if a light turned on in my head. I have to be confident that God is with me and watching out for me. A few days ago my lovely wife recieved an email from one of her relatives that contained a message about God. This is what it said:

If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it.

If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it.

He sends you flowers every spring.

He sends you a sunrise every morning, face it friend he is crazy about you.

God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way.

If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.

That last part about how, if He brings you to it, He will bring you through it, hit me like a rock. I was struck with how profound that truly is. I believe that every sentence of the above is true.
God loves us all. Even those who dont believe in Him. I say Him because thats the traditional reference to God. But I believe that God is a duality, Father and Mother to us all. He teaches us lessons in Father form, he loves us unconditionally in Mother form. I believe in Jesus. I believe he walked the Earth. At the same time I believe he has had many names. There are distinct correlations between his teachings and that of the Hindu Gods, and that of Buddha. Whatever name you wish to use to identify him, his message is still the same. Love All. Forgive All. I came to this understanding of Gods unlimited love for us all by hearing a country music song. Randy Travis was singing about a Fathers Love. If you know the song, then you may know what I'm saying. In the song he says that "a Fathers love is a love without end, amen". That struck me as profound. I have read most of the bible, I have read every ebook I could find about exploring your inner self and self help. No one book sold me on everything but each of them left me with at least one point I could believe in as truth. Seek out the truth for yourself, go to libraries, if you truly wish to know God, look inward. Read books on the subject, look into websites and scour through religions of all sorts, you may find faith. You might just find one little nugget of wisdom that you can you can put with all your other beliefs and knowledge. I think of it as building a crown, each piece of truth or bit of knowledge, each chunk of understanding and each step towards faith are all parts of a broken crown, when you finally put it all together you are one with God. Knowledge is divine, God knows all.